Do you think life is fair?
"Life is not fair. Get used to it."
- Bill Gates
Even Bill Gates, the current chairman of Microsoft, the world's largest personal-computer software company, said that life isn't fair. Well unfortunately, I'm not Bill Gates and so are you (unless you are actually Bill Gates. OMG give me a shoutout please!). Anyway, just like the title represents, a question (?) , in this post I would like to ask you readers several questions on two things about life and you will decide yourself whether life is fair or the other way around. Shall we begin?
No.1. In relationship. Do you believe in second/third/fourth... chances? You might just say yes because either you still insanely in love with your ex or you're the one who made mistakes and wanted another chance. True? So, is it fair to others who probably had waited for their first chance ever to be with that particular person? It doesn't sound fair is it? However, even God give us a lot of chances, why can't we give our ex another chance?
No.2. Friendship. A kind a boat that will never sink. I'm sorry, but I have to disagree myself. It's not that friendship will never ends, because somehow, some friendship will someday. To me, friendship is (F)orgiving one another, (R)especting each other, perhaps having the same (I)nterest on things, understand each other (E) motianally, (N)urturing one another, (D)epending on each other, (S)haring secrets together, (H)onest to each other, (I)rreplaceable, and (P)riceless. However, what if something goes wrong in the friendship? What if there's a huge misunderstanding? Because I always hear some (or a few) Malaysian say something like this;
"Walau 1000 kali buat baik & hanya satu kali buat kesilapan, satu kesilapan tu yang orang akan ingat"
Does that seem fair? Of course you will tend to forgive and perhaps forget about the mistakes done by your friends. But you will certainly act at least 5% differently toward your friends, just because of that one mistake. Perhaps you will feel a bit insecure or even have doubts on your friends too. True? But, is it fair? I mean, what ever happened to all the 1000 (more or less) things your friends had done for you and what you had done for your friends? Even worse, just because of that one mistake, some of us aren't even friends anymore. In fact, we're like strangers. Is it fair to yourself? Is it fair to your friend who made the mistakes? What ever happened to "everyone make mistakes" and "people deserve a second chance" ? And is it fair to the memories you and your friends shared together?
Oh and I think I know one thing that you think is not fair in life. Do you ever wonder why something happened to you on that particular day? Things that make you say "Why does this have to happen to me today?" or "Why doesn't it happening to someone else? Why me?"...or things that make you feel that you're a bad luck?? Well. I bet you have wondered like this at least once. Unfortunately, you need to S T O P.
"Cakap senang lah. Cuba kena apa aku kena. Baru kau tau camne aku rasa."
Okay fair enough. If I'm in your shoes, I can never handle the things that you've been through. Just like you can't also handle the things that I've been through. Why? Because the only person that can handle what they've been through are theirselves. That's why I can never handle your situation or anyone else's situation and you or anyone else can't handle mine. But at least, you should try to stop wondering like that. Why? Because Allah works in all kinds of ways. We may have our plans, but nothing is better than what Allah had planned for us. Maybe today is just not our day. We never know how tomorrow will look like. Allah does.
And this is my last question:
Thank you for your time, energy and mind. Take care. Assalammualaikum.
And this is my last question:
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Thank you for your time, energy and mind. Take care. Assalammualaikum.