Thursday 15 August 2013



*Still working on my English*

Greetings. People need to realize that nowadays, some people love to bully others. And the worst part is, they are bullying those who are smaller than them.

Said the anonymous;


Bullying or making fun of others who are smaller than you won't prove anything good at all. Instead, it proves that you bullies are just too afraid to prove your skills and abilities on them who are on the same level as you guys. If you bullies want to prove and show anyone that you are funny or strong or what so ever, that's what the phrase stands for, pick on someone your own size. Not the one who are smaller than you. Better? Don't pick on anyone. Just don't bully. Do something else :)

Anyway, the reason I make this post is actually to share with ya'll one of my lyrics. This song is for those who have been bullied before and those who are still being bullied. A long time ago, I used to be in that place, in that scene myself. What you guys need to do is not to fight back, but to stand up for yourself. One of my friend used to tell me this and now I'm telling you;

"People would kill to see you fall"

So, don't let them see what they wanted to see. Stand up. Prove to them that you are worthy. Prove to them that you can do it. Prove to them that you got what it takes to become a champion. Prove to them that you will NEVER BACK DOWN. Enjoy. 

[verse 1]
You push me down the locker
Like I'm such a loser
You use the sticks and stones
To knock me over

Your words like knives and swords
Stabbing me again and again
But I believe that I am strong
And this is where I stand

I'll never back down
Never give up
Never gonna ever let you knock me out
I will stand up
Put my feet on the ground
Try to shoot me down but I will never gonna fall
Cause I'm stronger
I'm wiser
I'm better than you think I am
Never back down
Never give up
Never gonna ever let you watch me fall
I'll never back down

[verse 2]
You said that I'm a loner
Just because you saw me all alone
It doesn't mean you're huge
You can hold on to the throne

I will never surrender
Though its the last thing I will do
Cause I am fighter
And this is a song for you

I'll never back down
Never give up
Never gonna ever let you knock me out
I will stand up
Put my feet on the ground
Try to shoot me down but I will never gonna fall
Cause I'm stronger
I'm wiser
I'm better than you think I am
Never back down
Never give up
Never gonna ever let you watch me fall
I'll never back down

Cause I am a champion
I won't let you break me into pieces
I'll stand for myself
You can love me
You can hate me
But I will never stop

I'll never back down
Never give up
Never gonna ever let you knock me out
I will stand up
Put my feet on the ground
Try to shoot me down but I will never gonna fall
Cause I'm stronger
I'm wiser
I'm better than you think I am
Never back down
Never give up
Never gonna ever let you watch me fall

I'll never back down
I'll never back down

So, are you still gonna let them pick on you? Or is it finally the time for you to stand up and never back down? Thank you.

TTFN Ta Ta For Now. 

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