Sunday 8 September 2013



Kata adikku;

"Some people like things, some people don't.
Sometimes people like the wrong things and sometimes people dislike the right things"

Seperti ayat yang terukir diatas, setiap insan mempunyai GUILTY PLEASURE masing-masing yang tersendiri. Guilty Pleasure is something yang kita enjoy, and suka...tapi hati kita rasa bersalah dan guilty for enjoying that particular "thing". Since this is MY blog, I wanna share the things that I like but at the same, I feel guilty for liking it. Do scroll. Perhaps ada guilty pleasure yang kita sama-sama pleasure? :)


Let's face it, A&W's Rootbeer is really something that you can "never ever ever" leave behind. Why is it so guilty to drink it? Obviously. It's a SOFT DRINK. Tapi memang sedap! Tapi kadang-kadang tertanya juga, why do they call it RootBEER? Why beer? Hmmm...? Anyway,

Next, the Quality Street. Haaa yang ni lagi lah. Sedap memang takleh nak nafi tapi manis tu memang pasti! Banyak choice pulak tu. Ish. Tapi makan memang perut puas hati.

Yang last ni cake Chocolate Indulgence. Sedap memang sedap, tapi kena tahan lah sebab macam besar bila nak habis kan. Lepas tu kalau beli one whole cake, macam mahal sikit. But the best is, it's yummy! :D


The Original Legendary Pop Princesses, Britney Spears & Christina Aguilera. I like both of them but at the same time, I know its wrong! To me, when hearing most of their songs, I feel connected to them in some ways...mungkin lirik-lirik lagu dorang. Macam Britney,some parts of the lyrics dalam her famous "Gimme More", "Piece Of Me" and "Slave 4 U", and Xtina with her amazing "Reflection", "The Voice Within", and "Fighter". I feel like the things that they sing in their songs have something to do with the things that I've been through in my life.


"Guy" actually sebab ada seorang sahaja. The only reason this is totally a guilty pleasure for me is because I'm a dude, and he is too. But let me explain why. The reason I find this guy a pleasure is because of the facial and the hair. Like Orlando Bloom, I need that shape of his face and that mustache and beard to be on my face. Unfortunately, I can't due to bones and hormones I guess. As long as I own that chin and that facial hair, this dude is out of the list for sure.

So that's my guilty pleasure. Mind t share yours? :)

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