Saturday 21 September 2013



Before I start babbling on such stuff, I would like to say something.


Okay done. Now back to babbling. Do you guys know what "fake smile" actually is? Well of course you do. Most of ya'll are good at it. To me, a fake smile is some kind of an expression that most of the times, girls/ladies/women, will do/express. What I'm gonna share with you who reads this post is actually some kind of a secret or an advantage of this expression.

"Uuuu. Gila la Uzer nak cite pasal fake smile. Uuuu."

AnywayS, as all of you know, a fake smile occur when someone is actually sad, depressed, sorrow, unhappy, miserable, and bla bla bla in the inside, but they manage to create an expression to cover those feelings by making a smile on the outside. True? Let me ask you again and this time, I need you to shout. TRUE?
(WARNING: If you are bored, do not continue reading. Please proceed to other posts. Thank you.)

As I said earlier, ladies are actually the ones who usually create this expression. You manage to cover all those hurtful feelings iMside you to yourself and make a smile so that no one knows that you are hurt. That is the reason you fake a smile right? Because you don't want to show to others that you are sad. When people know that you are hurt but you can prove to others that you can still smile even though you are crying a river inside, you just prove that you are strong and you're not going to lose just because it hurts. WOW. Women are strong. And that's awesome! 

Usually, after a big fight or a break-up, girls/ladies will be sad and they will eventually crI. And to them, it's hard to move on because they thought that they will live happily ever after their ex boyfriends. Well, this is not a fairy tale. This is life. Although it hurts so much, you have to try to smile. 

"Ahh kau cakap senang ah Uzer kau laki..."

I know. I'm a dude. It is easy for me say it. But that is why I said "try". Right? Anyway, the main reason I wrote this post is to share a secLet that I think most of you girls out there didn't realized. The secret is, although it is damn hard for you girls to even try to fake a smile, that is actually the first step ever for you to move on. Yup. Faking a smile is the first step. You do have a twitter or a facebook or any other social media accounts right? By only twetting or posting this ":)" although you don't feel like it, will make you feel better. The flow is there. When you start to fake a smile, in time, that fake smile will turn into a real one.

Said Martin Charnin;

"You're never fully dressed without a smile"

So, smile no matter where you are. Show that you are happy even though you are currently not. Show that you are better after he left. Your friends cannot help you if you don't want to help yourself. Trust me. That fake smile that almost all the ladies feel like "terpaksa buat" is actually the thing that will make you feel better in the end. Don't believe me? Try it yourself. And in few weeks or a month, do come back and tell me, is that smile on your face now is still fake, are you still pretending, or is it a real smile? :)
ThEnk you for reading. 

P/S try to combine those wrong spellings that I wrote in capital letters. Then try to do it.

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